Descriptive Essay Definition
A good descriptive essay will make the reader feel as if they are looking into something. A vivid imagination and creativity are key because it’s not about telling what's happening in detail but instead showing how something looks or sounds through imagery.
Descriptive essays are all about appealing to the reader's five senses. This kind of essay images all the senses of the reader which are sight, smell, taste, hearing, vision & touch. The reader should be able to feel this sense while reading the essay written by you.
Descriptive Essay Meaning
It is from the word ‘describe’ which means to literally describe the things!
Descriptive essays allow students to describe something in detail—whether it is an object, person or place. These genres encourage creative written accounts that go into great specificity with their narrative descriptions.
Important Ideas You Can Discuss in the Essay
These are some of the best ideas that you can describe in your descriptive essay writing:
- Person: In this paper, you can talk about a person. You may choose from simple descriptions like their appearance or more complex ones such as what they do when in public and how others interact with them on an everyday basis; it's up to your specific interests!
- Place: Writing about a place is an opportunity to really get into the mind of your reader, and you can do this by describing it intriguingly.
- Event: You can talk about events from your life that happened in your life.
- Animal: Animal is a great thing to be discussed in detail in this type of essay.
- Occupation: What's your dream job? Do you have a clear idea of what kind of work would make every day better and bring balance into life as well? You can talk about your dream job in this kind of essay.
- Behavior: In this type of writing, you are encouraged to explore the depths and complexities of your characters. Therefore, you can write about the behaviors of people.
Approaches to Write a Descriptive Essay
- Personal Essay
With this approach you write the more personal and emotional descriptions in the essay.
The most vivid and evocative language is often used to describe an experience. This work can wake up empathy in readers, which may make them more understanding of the emotions you went through during that time period or circumstances.
Topics for personal essay:
- The murder of any of your close relatives
- The birthday of your best friend.
- The intermission of your favorite Hollywood movie
- Formal Description
Descriptive writing is like an argumentative essay. Your main goal in this type of document should be to communicate key points or detail about something—and you need a clear structure for it! Rather than focusing on your own experience, use specific categories of information so that readers can get the fullest descriptions.
This is a great way of making your paper more interesting! Try not to use too much formal language, but rather engage readers with curiosity about what you're talking about.
Topics for formal description essay:
- Historical events, climate changes & politics in the US.
- Suicide bomber attack.
Descriptive Essay Topics & a Few Ideas
We’ve got you started with some ideas to write a fabulous descriptive essay:
- Describe a Person
You can even write about a celebrity who exposes most of their private life to the media: The Kardashians, Kanye West or Taylor Swift for instance. A famous superhero like Spiderman is also interesting.
A perfect example would be somebody you know well and has been part in your everyday lives such as family members/friends etc. This gives us more material when writing our paper so it will seem less tedious than just making everything up!
- Describe a Place or an Object
You can talk about your favorite places to spend vacations. In addition, you can also discuss your favorite object & its pros and cons.
- Describe an Emotion
The most passionate, intense emotions that you have ever experienced should be turned into a descriptive essay. You can choose from anger or happiness. You can discuss your anger, happiness, sadness or traumatic events with the readers in the essay.
Topics Ideas
There are many different topics that you can write about for your descriptive essay. You could choose the place where it is set, an object or person who lives there and so on! Here are some ideas if struggling students need help finding good ones:
- The house I grew up in
- My favorite restaurant to visit
- A museum that I visited recently
- My favorite dancer
- My best friend.
- I miss my mother.
- My favorite country for vacations.
- My perfect trip.
- My funniest memory
- My first car
Descriptive Essay Format
A descriptive essay follows a general essay format, with a bit of personalization to suit this specific style. Here is how to structure a creative essay to achieve top grades in school!
An Introductory Paragraph
Body Paragraphs
A Conclusion
Descriptive Essay Outline
The key to writing a descriptive essay is organization and flow. A structured paper outline will help you stay on track with your thoughts, while also making sure that each point comes out in the best way possible!
Grabbing the reader's attention from beginning to end is essential for a paper's success. So begin your essay introduction with an interesting opening statement.
Write down the background of your topic, and relate it to the context of the essay. At last, Write a thesis statement in which you’ll present your point of view.
Body Paragraphs
Begin these paragraphs with topic sentences that’ll present the main idea of the paragraphs. Add sensory details for the ideas. Finally, add the actual details for the ideas. Make use of transition words to jump from one paragraph to another & maintain coherence.
Restate the main purpose of writing your essay from the introduction. Then, rephrase all the main points & ideas of the essay in this paragraph. At last, write a concluding sentence at the end.
Write Your Essay
Here is the writing procedure that you need to follow to write your descriptive essay:
- Pre-writing stage: In order to find relevant information, it is important that you examine all of your sources and define what they offer on the topic.
- Begin Writing: The hook of your paper should be something that will grab the reader's attention and keep them interested in what you have written.
- Write the First Draft of the Essay: Keep a list of ideas that come to mind as you read through this passage. You can narrow down your choices later!
- Add Details in the Text: Use flower language to make your text more interesting. Write down the details for the ideas mentioned earlier.
- Revise & Edit the Paper: Read and use some inline grammar checking tools to make your essay flawless.
Descriptive Essay Examples
Here are the examples that will help you with descriptive papers in the most effective way!
Descriptive Essay About a Person
Descriptive Essay About a Place
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