Press Release Format
In order to write a press release that will be published, it is important to understand and use the correct press release format.
This way, you can ensure that your press release follows a format that reporters and journalists are familiar with, increasing your chances of getting published.
There are a few steps you need to take in order to write a press release. You should follow this outline for any type of press release.
1. Add Document Settings
Typically, press releases are written in Times New Roman font. It is also important to set one-inch margins on all sides of the paper. Keep in mind that you can change the settings to fit your needs.
2. Add your Company Logo
If you are issuing a press release, it is important to include your company logo. This will help ensure that readers know it is an official statement from your company. Position the logo in the top center of the page.
3. Add Contact Information
Make sure that when you send your press release, it has all the contact information people would need. This includes both email and physical addresses so that people can reach out to you in whichever way is most convenient for them!
4. Add the Dateline/Release Date
You choose a release date for your press release so that it will be published. This can be done in different ways, depending on when you want it to come out and what you want to happen. Put the timeline in the top left corner of the page, all in caps.
If you want the news outlets to publish your press release immediately, put "For Immediate" at the top of the page. If you want them to wait to publish it, put a future date on the document and say that it is embargoed.
5. Make your Headline
The headline is what makes people want to read your press release. You should write it in a way that makes people curious and want to learn more. A good press release is short and to the point. For example, the headline should be between 60-80 characters.
6. Add a Subheader
A well-written subheader can help grab a reader's attention and explain the main purpose of a press release. It is an ideal place to plan your news story ahead. Subheadings should be 120 characters long, formatted in Times New Roman size 12, and in title case.
7. Add Location & Date
At the start of your first paragraph, show the location and date your press release is coming from. Use the following pattern to add date and location:
City, State. (MM DD, YY)
8. First Body Paragraph
Now, it is time to write the first paragraph of your press release. This paragraph should answer the five important questions of what, who, when, why, and how. A press release is a document that gives a brief overview of an event, project, or product. The body copy should be single-spaced so that it is easy to read.
9. Remaining Section
Including different types of media, such as photos, audio clips, and videos, can help your press release stand out on search engines and social media. However, don't include more than two types of media. If you're sending your press release by email, attach the files so that people can access them easily.
When distributing a press release, it is important to follow the formatting guidelines of the specific distribution service you are using. Each service has different requirements, so be sure to familiarize yourself with them before submitting your release.
Quotes can also be used to emphasize important parts of your press release. Including a quote can provide another perspective in support of your story.
10. Write Boilerplate
A boilerplate is a paragraph that you put at the end of your press release. This is where you put information about your company or anything else that might be of interest to your readers. The ideal length for a boilerplate is 100 words.
11. End Notation
Make sure to use three-pound signs (#) at the end of your press release to show readers that they have finished reading it.
It will look someone things like this: # # #
12. Add Endnote
If readers have any questions or would like more information, they can reach out to me at the media contact information listed at the end of this press release. This is an endnote.
You should write this in your endnote.
If you would like more information, please contact us at [phone number] or [email address].
When a press release is crafted according to this format, then it is sent for press release distribution.
Sample Press Release Template
It can be difficult to write a press release that will be picked up by a media outlet. One of the best ways to improve your chances of success is to review some good examples.
This will give you an idea of the formatting that is required and the key points that make a press release effective.
Reading the sample press release will help you understand how to use the correct language, company logos, and keywords in your press release headline. You will also learn how to write content that is eye-catching.
Here is an example of a press release. This can help you understand the formatting and writing of a good press release.
Press Release Format Examples
In order to understand how to write a press release, it can be helpful to look at some examples. This will give you a better idea of the techniques involved and how they can help your company get the attention it deserves.
Press Release Format AP Style
When writing an AP Style Press Release, it is important to follow this format. Many publications and media outlets expect to see this format so that they can easily find important and relevant information.
Here is an AP Style press release format template for you to use as a guide. Also, you can see where a call to action is used.
Press Release Email Format
If you are sending your press release online, it is important to follow a standard format. This will ensure that all the important information is included and that the reader gets a good understanding of what your press release is about.
Now you know all the steps you need to take to write a powerful press release that will get your brand the recognition it deserves. If you are having trouble writing a press release or don't know the correct format, consider using a professional writing service.
Professional press release writers can help you write your press release. They know how to make your product or service good for content marketing. They also help small businesses to get their product launch noticed. Press releases can be an effective way to market your business and its products or services.
If you use a professional service, they will help you choose the right keywords for your press release. The right keywords will help your press release reach a wider audience, including people who are interested in what you have to say. Plus, using a professional service can also help improve your SEO.
If you have something important to say, contact us to place your order, and we will write a great press release for you.