Debate Topics for Students
Choosing good debate topics is essential to deliver an interesting and effective message during the debate writing process. Half of the struggle ends when you get your hands on unique debate topics.
To help you get through the topic selection process, we have compiled a list of good debate topics. Check out the list given below and choose the best topic for your school’s debate competition.
Easy Debate Topics for Kids
There are many different topics that kids can debate about. Here is a list of easy debate topics for kids of all ages.
- Are cats or dogs better?
- Should soda be banned?
- What time should school start?
- Are zebras black or white?
- What is better, Batman or Superman?
- Every girl should have a Barbie doll.
- Should computers replace teachers?
- What’s the best Disney movie?
- Children must get longer holidays
- Is it okay to allow pets in school?
Debate Topics for Middle School
- Why kids should listen to their parent’s advice
- How important it is to have both parents in your life
- Why mothers should tell fairy tales to their kids
- Parents should be friends with their kids
- How a parents’ bad relationship affects their kids
- If you want others to respect you, you need to respect yourself first
- Love yourself the way you love others
- Animals should have equal rights as human
- Why Islam is a peaceful religion
- Why we should be more sensitive towards sensitive people
Debate Topics for High School
- Why is it so hard to get financial assistance for higher education?
- Does low self-esteem affect the performance of students?
- Do our outfit choices help with our confidence?
- Is a student’s intelligence measured by the grades?
- Life in rural areas is better than living in urban areas
- Me-time is necessary to self-heal and restore energy.
- Don’t look for others’ approval.
- Why we should avoid religious conflicts
- People should not be discriminated against based on their faith
- Why do people commit suicide
Great Debate Topics for College Students
- Student loans should not have a tax.
- Students who have financial problems should get free education
- How the norms of our society shape our life
- Homosexuals should have equal rights as heterosexuals
- Transgenders should be allowed to get government jobs
- How to reduce poverty?
- Music and art programs at the school level should be an essential part of education.
- Students should not be allowed to listen to music in the library
- Uncensored songs should be banned from school dances
- Why kids should be allowed to get the music education
Funny Debate Topics for Your Class
Here is a list of funny debate topics that will be amusing for your class.
- Is Coca-Cola better than Pepsi?
- Are women more complicated than men?
- Would you rather be deaf or blind?
- Should we get rid of Mondays?
- Which is scarier: a clown or a mime?
- Is water really wet?
- Have aliens already visited us?
- What’s better: hamburgers or hot dogs?
- Are we living in a dream?
- Is cheating on exams ever justified?
Different Themes Debate Topics for Public Speaking
Looking for the best debate topic that covers an important subject related to current issues?
We have got your back!
Here is a list of amazing debate topics that will help you score better this year.
Relationship Debate Topics
- How to deal with a long-distance relationship
- Why respect is an essential element for a good relationship
- How a little misunderstanding could end a relationship
- Why it is important to have a compatibility test before marriage
- Jealousy could ruin a healthy relationship
- Why are inter-religious relationships still not accepted in our society?
- How to react if you caught your partner cheating on you
- Why breakups need to be treated with care
- Dating at the workplace should not be allowed
- Why is it important to have a friend in your life
Policy Debate Topics
- Why should we buy products made in our own country?
- The role of private businesses in the state’s economy
- What benefits does daylight saving bring to the country’s economy?
- All the interns should be paid for their work
- The minimum wage should be increased.
- Morning prayers should be mandatory in every school
- Kids over 14 years old should be allowed to cast their vote
- Drug addicts should be sent to rehab centers for treatment instead of prisons.
- How to reduce poverty in the country?
- Is it justified to detain people without any proper procedures if they are suspected of terrorism?
Sports Debate Topics
- Should the fans be censored?
- Best soccer player ever
- Extracurricular activities should be a mandatory part of college education
- Pros and cons of online gaming
- How violent video games affect the minds of teenagers?
- The universal basic income should be an athlete’s right
- Alongside studies, there should be games for students
- Top 10 unbreakable records in sports
- Cricket vs. hockey
- Is instant replay helping?
Social Issues Debate Topics
- Should the government implement universal basic income?
- Is affirmative action necessary to achieve racial equality?
- Should hate speech be protected under freedom of speech laws?
- Is the rise of nationalism a threat to global cooperation?
- Should cities implement rent control to combat housing crises?
- Is climate change activism effective in driving policy change?
- Should the voting age be lowered to increase youth participation?
- Are social media platforms responsible for spreading misinformation?
- Should the government provide free healthcare to all citizens?
- Is the current prison system effective in rehabilitating offenders?
Health Debate Topics
- Should vaccinations be mandatory for all citizens?
- Is the use of genetic engineering in humans ethical?
- Should mental health services be prioritized in schools?
- Is the fast food industry responsible for rising obesity rates?
- Should the government regulate the prices of prescription drugs?
- Is a plant-based diet the healthiest option for everyone?
- Should hospitals provide free care for those in need?
- Is the focus on preventative healthcare more effective than treating illnesses?
- Should assisted suicide be legalized for terminally ill patients?
- Are alternative medicines a valid complement to traditional healthcare?
Pop Culture Debate Topics
- Is reality television harmful to society’s values?
- Should celebrities be held accountable for their political statements?
- Is social media changing the way we perceive fame?
- Should art created by controversial figures be banned?
- Is streaming services like Netflix damaging the film industry?
- Are influencers positively impacting consumer behavior?
- Should the government regulate content in video games?
- Is the portrayal of mental health in pop culture improving public understanding?
- Are remakes of classic films a sign of creativity or lack of originality?
- Should there be limits on the amount of advertising directed at children?
Light-hearted Debate Topics
- What is your favorite book of all time?
- Would you like to live forever?
- Who is the best superhero?
- Should teachers have to wear a school uniform?
- What’s your favorite season?
- What’s the best TV show of all time?
- Giving is better than receiving
- Are there any odds of aliens existing out there?
- What sport would you like to add to the Olympics?
- Kids should be punished for bad grades.
Ethics Debate Topics
- We need to learn to respect our elders.
- Using anything without taking the owner’s permission is unethical
- We should obey our parents
- We should respect others’ religion
- Why religion is a sensitive topic
- We should meet people with a smile on their face
- Is it ethical to hunt wild animals?
- Why is product testing on animals not ethical?
- Why prostitution should not be legalized
- Why we should stop making clothes from animals’ skin
Environment Debate Topics
- How environmental changes affecting the ozone layer
- Is technological advancement the reason behind global climate change?
- Plastic bags and packaging should be banned
- Climate change is the greatest threat to humans
- Fog turning into smog due to high rate of air pollution
- How does tourism affect the environment?
- Electric cars can save the world. Yes or no?
- Bonfires in the garden should not be allowed
- There should be more national parks worldwide
- Companies should be taxed on carbon emission
Controversial Debate Topics
- Girls should wear blue.
- High heels are harmful to health.
- It’s totally okay for boys to cry
- Time has much more worth than money
- The first impression is basically not the last
- Why outer beauty is more important than inner beauty
- How fashion influences our society
- Women are always right
- Transgenders should be allowed to adopt children
- Men and women should be paid equally
Funny Debate Topics For Adults
- Is pineapple on pizza a culinary disaster or delight?
- Should adults still have nap times at work?
- Is binge-watching TV series better than reading books?
- Does social media make us more connected or more isolated?
- Should coffee be considered an essential food group?
- Is it better to be fashionably late or always on time?
- Do cats secretly run the world?
- Should all meetings be replaced with emails?
- Is online dating better than meeting people in real life?
- Should socks and sandals ever be worn together?
Topics For Debate Competition In English
- Is technology making humans smarter or more dependent?
- Should school uniforms be mandatory for students?
- Is a vegetarian diet better for health and the environment?
- Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
- Does social media do more harm than good?
- Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
- Is artificial intelligence a threat to human jobs?
- Should countries invest more in space exploration or social welfare?
- Is online education as effective as traditional classroom education?
- Should animal testing be banned in scientific research?
Education Debate Topics
- People should read more books.
- How literature is helping in spreading knowledge
- Why literature studies are so underrated
- The moon landing was just a big lie
- Sex education should be mandatory in every school or college
- History is just a lie, written by the people who have survived
- School uniforms should not be mandatory in boarding schools
- Schools should do away with homework altogether
- Detention should be abolished
- Standardized testing should be abolished
Scientific Debate Topics
- Why haven't we found a coronavirus cure?
- Why should Pluto not be considered a planet?
- How does animal testing help in the improvement of medicine and vaccines?
- Why is donating blood every now and then good for your health?
- What makes qualitative research better than quantitative research?
- What would happen if you fell into a black hole?
- We should not mix science and religion. Discuss.
- How does preserving the umbilical cord help in medical research?
- What is the future of cloning and test-tube babies?
- Science should be a compulsory subject in high school. Discuss.
Medical Debate Topics
- Healthcare should be universal.
- Exercise can help to release stress
- Smoking is injurious to health
- How to help bipolar disorder patient
- Teenagers should not have access to birth control pills
- Why depression should be considered as a serious problem
- What medication provides more harm than good
- Mental health problems should be considered seriously
- How to cure depression
- What is the average life expectancy of a cancer patient?
Technology Debate Topics
- Flying cars should not be introduced.
- How social media has improved human communication
- There is a need to restore internet neutrality
- Does technology make people smart or dumb?
- How is technology improving our lives?
- Will technology save the world or destroy it?
- Is AI beneficial or dangerous for the world?
- Can we save nature with technology?
- Will robots enhance our quality of life?
- How do technological advances influence us?
Popular Debate Topics
- Stop saying that you are busy, busy for what?
- Dance to destress
- A little lie is better for health
- Music has the power to heal
- Remind yourself every single day that you are important
- A girl and a boy could be friends
- Fashion bloggers are setting the wrong beauty standards
- Can censorship ever be justified?
- Abortion should be legalized.
- The death penalty should be abolished worldwide.
Political Debate Topics
- Why religion should not be mixed with politics
- Nelson Mandala played an important role in the development of South Africa
- Lincoln was the best president of his time
- The right voting age should be set to 18 years
- The best political role model
- Freedom of speech should be a universal right
- The most influential political personality in human history
- Politics should be kept out of school
- Human cloning should be legalized
- Countries should be isolationist
Democratic Debate Topics
- It is time for the United States to bring back its military from overseas states.
- How to build strong relationships with neighboring countries?
- China will be the next superpower.
- Patrol police should always carry loaded weapons.
- Why we should have strict security screening for immigrants
- Homosexuals should be allowed to be a part of the military
- Role of women in the military
- How education brings betterment to the state’s development?
- Wealthy people should pay higher taxes
- Is the voting system democratic?
Business Debate Topics
- We should keep a close eye on personal finances to achieve something in life.
- Why is it better to purchase a car instead of leasing it?
- How secure is mobile banking?
- How to start a small business?
- Multinationals do more harm than good.
- Can startup companies be trusted?
- Giving stilettos to business
- Is an MBA degree worth its cost?
- Happy employees do a better job.
- Waging war on wages
So there you have it!
The best debate topics for students are those that challenge you to think differently and argue your point of view. The above list is a great resource to anyone who loves the art of critical thinking and healthy discussions and debates on various issues at school or college.
These topics are the most promising debate subjects students can choose from, whether they are pro or against any controversial discussions!
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