What Does a Research Paper Title Page Include?
Regardless of a specific research paper format, when you start the research paper, you will include the following on your cover page:
- A good research title
- Author’s/Authors’ information
- Name of instructor
- Course information
- Submission date or date of completion
The format and inclusion criteria vary for different research paper types and formats. As mentioned above, we’ll explore title page formatting in 3 of the most common research paper formats in a minute.
No matter which format you are using, remember that the cove page is always created on a separate page.
Research Paper Title Page in APA Format
When creating the title page for your research paper in APA format, you'll need to make sure it follows specific guidelines to meet the requirements.
What To Include In The Title Page
Include the following information in your APA cover page:
- Title of the Research Paper
- Author(s)
- Institutional Affiliation(s)
- Author Note (Optional)
- Running Head
- Page Number
How To Format The Title Page
Here's how you should format your APA cover page (7th edition):
- Font: Use a 12-point Times New Roman font throughout your page.
- Spacing: Maintain double-spacing between all lines of text.
- Alignment: Center-align your title, author(s), and institutional affiliation(s). Align the author's note to the left.
- Margins: Keep consistent 1-inch margins on all sides of your page.
- Order: Arrange your title page in this order: title, author(s), institutional affiliation(s), author note (if applicable), running head, and page number.
Here is an APA research paper title page example for a better understanding:
Research Paper Title Page in MLA Format
In MLA format, creating a separate title page is typically not necessarily required. Instead, the general practice is to include the necessary information on the first page of the paper itself. The first page of an MLA-formatted research paper usually includes:
- Your name
- Your instructor's name
- The course title
- The date (day, month, year)
- The title of your paper (centered)
This information is typically positioned in the upper left-hand corner of the first page, with the title centered below it.
Here is an example of how it would look like:
If your instructor specifically asks for one, here's how you should format it:
- Your Name: On the top left, include your name and the names of co-authors if it’s a group project.
- Instructor's Name: Below your name, type the name of your instructor.
- Course Information: Below your instructor's name, type the course information, including the course title and section number (if applicable).
- Date: Under the course information, type the date. The date should be written in the day-month-year format.
- Title: After a few blank lines, include the title of your research paper. It should be centered and, in title case, midday down the page.
Remember to double-space your MLA format research paper title page.
See this sample MLA front page for a practical understanding:
Research Paper Title Page in Chicago Style
The Chicago-style paper format doesn’t require you to include a title page. It’s enough to just center the title at the top of the first page. But, if you’re required to include one, the Turabian style provides guidelines for formatting the opening page.
The Turabian style is a version of the Chicago style used for formatting research papers, theses, and dissertation documents.
What to Include in Chicago Format Title Page
Following are the components you will include in your research paper title page:
- Title
- Your Name
- Instructor's Name
- Course Information
- Date
How to Format the Title Page
Follow these guidelines to format your research paper title page in Chicago style:
- Title: You'll center your paper's title about 1/2 of the way down the page. Make sure it's in bold and in headline capitalization.
- Subtitle (if applicable): If your paper has a subtitle, it follows the main title on the next line, also in bold.
- Your Information: About 2/3 down the page, include your name, student code (if required), course name and code, and the date. Each piece of information should appear on a new line.
Remember, all text on the title page should be center-aligned and double-spaced, using the same font as the rest of your paper. Also, don't include a page number in the title page, but count it in your total page count, starting the page numbering from page 2.
Here is an example:
Research Paper Title Page Examples
Check out these easy-to-follow examples of research paper title pages, made just right for APA format.
In wrapping up,
This blog explored the importance of properly formatting a research paper title page in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles. By following these guidelines, you can create a professional-looking cover page that sets the tone for your paper.
So, whether you're a student or a researcher, learning how to format the title page properly can elevate the quality of your work. But, if you need help with formatting the cover page or any other part of your research paper, worry not!
SharkPapers.com is a trusty and reliable companion when it comes to research paper writing help. With our custom paper writing service, you can enjoy professional assistance from certified research writing specialists.
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